Online Postnatal Yoga

Congratulations! You’ve had your baby!

Motherhood can be a whirlwind of miraculous, mundane, and sedentary moments. It is only natural to want to start to move your body and relieve some of the chronic tension which develops.

But how to start safely? And what level of practice is safe to return to? Never mind how do we find time to practice when a small person is needing our attention

Two options for resuming your practice!

1. Live Baby and Me Online classes:

Connect with your body, your baby and maybe most importantly, other people! Our Live (when possible) and Livestream Baby and me classes are perfect for everyone who wants to bring the practice of yoga and body awareness into the experience of parenthood.

Sign up today and join from the comfort of your own home. Babies welcome in all states, and with all noises! We get it- and don’t even worry about being on-time!

Moms should be at least 4-6 weeks postpartum, and have exercise clearance from their care-provider


2. Pre-recorded Baby and me archive practices:

Can’t make the live classes? Access an archive of online classes done over a series of months for new and longtime postpartum moms. With dynamic skill, Bec works weekly requests into different sequences. Videos focus on core integration, shoulder and upper back release, stretching hamstrings, and eventually moving into a whole body workout, at an appropriate pace for a new mom. Classes are around 30-45 minutes each and you have 2 years of videos in total.

Get a one day pass for $10
or Monthly full access for $37


Sample Archive Content


Online Livestream Baby and Me classes