Supporting happy, healthy holistic pregnancies

Expert Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Online!

Om Births Online studio schedule

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Weekly classes

Prenatal Yoga:
Sunday 9:30am-10:45
Tuesdays 5:45-7pm

Baby and Me Yoga: Wednesday 10:45-11:45am


Online Newton-Wellesley Hospital Series Wednesdays 11/30-12/28

Spinning Babies Online
Thursday 12/29, 6-9pm

The Om Births Online Program supported me during every trimester and beyond, I’m so grateful

-Kate R

Om Births : Who we are


Meet Founder, Bec Conant

Doula, Yoga Teacher, Childbirth Educator, HypnoBirthing Practitioner, Spinning Babies Parent Educator

Through her more than 20 years of teaching and attending birthing women, Bec has seen a deep connection between the body, the mind and the heart; a connection she hopes to share with her students and birthing mothers. Bec's classes focus on developing strength and flexibility while learning to respect and listen to the body's wisdom. Her gentle teaching style allows students to deepen their practice while working at their own pace.


Your pregnancy matters.

You and your little one deserve the best in prenatal and postnatal yoga.

Be prepared, be empowered.

Unroll your mat, breathe and connect.